The West Bluff Hills News, Archives |
West Bluffs Hill is an 80-unit condominium community in Carlsbad. It is located on Quail Place, off El Camino Real with shopping areas, theaters,and the main Carlsbad library within walking distance. The ocean is only four miles away and the complex has a beautiful pool and spa for all residents to enjoy. This page contains an archive of the West Bluff Hills News, an independent community newsletter. |
![]() South Carlsbad State Beach, view from La Costa Ave. |
Documents: Looking for a WBH document? CC&Rs, current parking rules, vehicle registration forms, meeting minutes? Go here. Issue #1 (March 2019): The parking rules and regulations debunked: We take a close look at the parking rules recently passed by the board. See the parking rules here (they go together) Issue #2 (April, 2019): Anatomy of the HOA: How does the homeowners association work and what are the powers of the board members. Issue #3 (May, 2019): We take a look at our operating budget and report on the April board meeting. Issue #4 (June, 2019): What is a Reserve Study and why it and our Reserve Fund are so important. Plus report on the May board meeting. Issue #5 (July, 2019): A history of our HOA fees, spanning 37 years. This will explain a lot about why we are where we are today, plus, a report on the June board meeting. Issue #6 (August, 2019): We examine HOA fees and discuss the discrepancy between the dues charged for one and two bedroom units, plus, a report on the July board meeting. Issue #7 (September, 2019): We examine the new Violations and Fines Policy, plus, a report on the Sept. 5th board meeting. Issue #8 (Octoer, 2019): Requirements and obligations of a board member, and a report on the September 24th board meeting. Issue #9 (November, 2019) We take a look at the expenses so far for the year plus a report on the Oct. 22nd board meeting. Issue #10 (December, 2019): A 16 month crime incident survey at WBH, the year end fiscal disclosure, plus the Nov. 26th board meeting. Issue #11 (February, 2020) Water consumption on the property is a big issue. See how big! (long version here) Plus a report on the elections and Jan 28th board meeting. Issue #12 (March, 2020): A look at our income and expenses for 2019. A review of the newsletter over the last 12 months, Plus unofficial minutes from the Feb. 25th board meeting and a special supplement on HOA dues.
Note: This website is operated independently and is not affiliated with nor sanctioned by the West Bluff Hills board of directors or the WBH property management company. The editor, Jack Ross, has been an owner at West Bluff Hills since 1981 and has recently served on the board. The purpose of the information presented is to inform, educate, and provide easy access to forms required by its members. We make every effort to be factual and complete however, errors or omissions may exist.