Class of 1964
50 Years of our lives



1964 Yo-Hi website
Changes and additions

8/26/14 Rick Hernandez added three images

8/27/14 John Gillgren signed on (but he still plans to send in a current pic) - maybe!

9/1/14 Ron (Joe) Craft signed on

9/12/14 Kathleen Toyoda coming to San Antonio

10/6/14 Mike Calvert - added current bio image

10/6/14 Pat Collins - added a bunch of new images

10/6/14 Added some images to the "older image" section (scroll down)

10/8/14 Added more images from the yearbook (scroll down to the bottom - see the class histories)

11/18/14 Added more images to the "older image" section (scroll down)


Student Index page

Home page